Grade 6 is an important year. Students need to take responsibility for their own actions and learning so they are working towards being ready for stepping up into secondary school next year. A few reminders are going home today, even though many of the Grade 6’s are completing these already. Parents, it would be great if you supported your child to follow through on the reminders below.




Other important notes:


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me after school.

Quality Teams Excursion

Last week Grade 6’s visited Quality Teams, where they learnt about the different printing processes, the cost of the different processes. The aim of the short excursion was to encourage the grade 6’s to make informed decisions on the most cost effective t-shirt for them. They have decided one the shirt we are going to purchase. The next part, of the process for us is design and sends it to Quality teams, which the grades 6’s are in the process of now. Alongside that the girls will be fundraising to assist in paying for the t-shirts.

Miss Meagan Height
Grade 6 Teacher